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  1. Economic Upheaval? Recover $Millions quickly with no negative consequences

    When economic upheaval threatens corporate earnings, cost-cutting through layoffs can have long-term impact on the speed of recovery. What can IT do to help preserve human capital throughout the organization?

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  2. Decommission unproductive systems and put the money where it's needed most

    When job cuts threaten productivity and morale, it's time to ditch unproductive systems and put the data somewhere you can get at it easily and more cheaply, whenever you need it. People are worth more than unproductive systems

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  3. DataNovata for Life Insurers

    Learn how DataNovata can ease the license and regulation burdens on life insurers by transforming their legacy data sources so they can focus on elevating client experience.

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  4. Creating a 360 View of Components Across Heavy Manufacturing

    Find out how you can you manage complex lifecycles when component data is scattered across data silos.

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  5. Aerospace Case Study

    Scalable Aerospace data archiving project eliminated legacy liabilities in just 3 months.

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  6. 4 Tips for IT Transformation

    These simple tips form the underframe for any implementation strategy, to achieve results sooner, with less friction and a result that everyone feels good about.

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